2: Intro

2: Intro

CORNERSTONE 2: INTRO   Right before you start to warm up with your choir, we need to take the time to properly introduce the session. This starts from the moment we request everyone’s attention. Getting this introduction right is really important. It sets...
1: Welcome

1: Welcome

CORNERSTONE 1: WELCOME   When someone enters your choir, they arrive with all the baggage of their workplace or family life, all their social anxiety and feelings of inadequacy, and with all the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Our role is to create a framework...

6: Connect

CORNERSTONE 6: CONNECT   Connection sits right at the core of what we’re trying to achieve with our With One Voice program. Facilitating time and space for quality interactions, and nurturing long-lasting relationships is the most lasting outcome of our...

Cornerstones old3

CORNERSTONESOF WITH ONE VOICE   This resource documents the key features of the With One Voice choir experience that all our choirs aspire to share. Last updated: 6 March 2024 WELCOME Friendly hello, smile, and how are you? Clear, concise information about WOV...
Cornerstones of With One Voice

Cornerstones of With One Voice

CORNERSTONESOF WITH ONE VOICE   Click on each image to learn more. Friendly hello, smile, and how are you? Clear, concise information about WOV Welcome letters & extra info to answer questions Name tags Someone experienced to sit with LEARN MORE Clear brief...