Calling all With One Voice choirs!

Get ready to be part of something extraordinary with the With One Voice BIG SING project. We’re excited to invite you to join us in creating a captivating video featuring all our choirs singing “Drift Away.”

This is your chance to showcase the power of our collective voices and the positive impact we’re making across the nation. Let’s unite in song to celebrate our community and spread joy far and wide. Don’t miss out—be part of this inspiring project that will showcase your choir and attract new members. Together, let’s make music that moves hearts and inspires change. Join us in creating something truly special!

“Drift Away” is a beautiful ode to the music that brings us together each week. It places music itself as the audience, and gives us a chance to thank it for its stress-relieving, life-changing powers!

Click each tab to learn more...

As part of a With One Voice choir, you are part of a national network of communities, that are all doing their small part to make this world a better place. Uniting the clans for a big project like this means we get a chance to celebrate all the work we do collectively, and the tremendous impact we have on a national level.

This will also become really valuable video footage we can use to help you promote your choir and attract new members.


The end product will be a video featuring all our choirs singing together (albeit digitally). We will get to hear how all our voices sound together, and get a chance to see all the joy we’re creating around this huge country we live in.


You choir can create a video during rehearsal, singing along to the backing track provided on this page, and send it to us at CA HQ. If you are an individual who’d like to record yourself singing on your own, you can do the same.


We will need everyone to submit their videos to us before Friday 17 May. Submissions made after this time will not be considered for the final edit.



1) Find someone with a relatively new smart phone (iPhone, Pixel, Galaxy all have excellent cameras).

2) Set up the phone on a flat, stable surface (music stands can work quite well for this, or a phone tripod on a table could work well too.)

3) Frame the choir so everyone is visible, and the choir is in the centre of the frame.

4) Click record

5) Start the track

6) Sing along, have fun, and look into the camera lens!

7) Send the uncompressed video to me with the subject “Drift Away Video”. The best way to do this is to click “Share” on your device and upload the video to a cloud service (iCloud, Google Drive, DropBox, etc), then email the link to me please ( If you try and email or message it directly, your phone will compress the quality, and we won’t be able to use it for the video edit.




Make sure all your singers are in good, consistent, bright light. Outside during the day is always good, or in a well-lit room. Ideally, we try and avoid shadows on faces where possible.

If you are filming a solo video, selfie “ring-lights” are great if you can get your hands on one, or if not, shine a lamp on your face!


Try and ensure the angle of your shot isn’t too high or too low. Ideally, the camera should sit around eye level or above so we’re not shooting under your chin(s).


Try and frame your shot so the choir fills most of the screen. Dead space isn’t particularly helpful.


If you are filming solo, aim for your whole face and head to be in the shot, with your eyes at the upper third of the frame.