Partnering with a company or organisation can provide you with the essential support to help your choir thrive! Below are some tips on how to approach companies and pitch a partnership to them.

Last updated: 23 April 2024

Who do I approach?

You know your community best! Talk to local people in your community to see where there might be interested groups, businesses or people who can support your choir. This could be:

  • Local businesses
  • Local trusts and foundations
  • Franchises of larger businesses (eg Bendigo Bank, Harcourts)
  • Local council services eg Libraries, neighbourhood centres,
  • Schools and arts groups
  • Multicultural groups

How do I approach them?

  1. Ask to speak to someone who has the ability to make decisions about supporting local community groups
  2. Introduce yourself, how you are connected to the local community and the choir, what the choir is about, who it benefits and why you are here
  3. Explain the need – eg. we would love to keep singing but need some support to sustain our community building through singing
  4. Ask if there is any opportunity for them to support eg:
    • Can you put a poster up in your window?
    • Do you know anyone who might be interested?
    • Do you have any upcoming events where we might be able to perform
  5. Ask for contact details – to send an email with more information, and a phone number in case it’s easier to text or call
  6. Provide your contact details for a follow up conversation
  7. Follow up any leads with an email on the day, and then in a few days, to see if they are interested in partnering with your choir.


We have this resource available to give to organisations, to outline what your choir is and what a partnership could look like. Feel free to edit it as you need!