Sadly this event has been cancelled. Keep your eyes peeled for more great events.

Join us for a day of singing, community, and fun at the Clarinda Community Centre on Saturday 6th May! Singers from all over Melbourne will unite for a day of singing together, meeting new people, and enjoying delicious food.

We have four world-class presenters from choirs around Melbourne, to help teach you some new techniques, learn new songs, and facilitate a whole lot of singing fun. (See below for details)

This event is a great opportunity to expand your singing skills, meet new people, and feel part of something bigger than yourself. Come and experience the joy of singing in a supportive and inclusive community.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to sing, eat, chat, and have fun with like-minded people. Join us at the Clarinda Community Centre on Saturday 6th May from 10am to 5pm for a day you won’t forget!


When: Saturday 6 May 2023
Time: 10:00 – 17:00
Where: Clarinda Community Centre

Cost: $80

CONTACT US if you’d like an invoice for your NDIS manager, and we can organise payment direct.

Morning tea, Lunch, and Afternoon tea provided!


Kym Alexandra Dillon

Kym is a composer; arranger; orchestrator, pianist and conductor extraordinaire! Kym runs With One Voice Geelong AND Ashburton – two of our biggest choirs!


Daniel Brinsmead

Daniel is an award-winning compose, singer, and conductor of our With One Voice St Kilda choir, The Australian Children’s Choir and Choristry.


Nicki Johnson

Nicki has more than 30 years of experience as a chorister, conductor, music specialist and musical director. Nicki conducts our With One Voice Greater Dandenong choir, along with many other choirs.


Chris Blain

Chris conducts the With One Voice Whitehorse choir, Men In Suits, and works at Creativity Australia HQ. He’s also a producer, composer, and runs singing events through Melbourne Singing Events.



09:45 – Arrival and Registration

10:00 – Welcome, warm up

10:30 – Workshop: CHRIS BLAIN

11:30 – Morning Tea

11:45: Workshop: DANIEL BRINSMEAD

12:45 – Lunch

13:45 – Workshop: NICKI JOHNSON

14:45 – Afternoon Tea

15:15 – Workshop: KYM ALEXANDRA DILLON

16:15 – Recap, sing-through, farewell

17:00 – Event Close


Is this only for With One Voice members?

No! Everyone is welcome – tell all your friends and family. We’re hoping it will be a good mix of singers from all over Melbourne, as well as some from our With One Voice family. The more the merrier!

Can I bring a friend?

Yes! So long as they purchase a ticket, anyone is welcome to join us for the day. No prior knowledge or experience needed!

Can I give a friend the WOV discount?

No, sorry. They will have to pay full price, or become a paying member of one of our choirs. Creativity Australia is subsidising all WOV members to attend, and the reduced ticket price barely covers the cost of catering and venue hire.

Do I need to be a good singer?

Nah! The key to sounding good is to first feel good about your singing. The key to feeling good is to forget all about sounding good and just have a good time! Just come along and have fun – you’ll love it!

Do you have a concession rate?

No, sorry. Our WOV member rate is already heavily subsidised by Creativity Australia, and we can’t afford any further discounts.

Is the venue wheelchair friendly?

Yes – we can cater to just about everyone at this terrific venue!

Do I have to pay online?

If you are fundamentally against online payments, we can sort out cash on the day, or a direct bank transfer. Contact sally@creativityaustralia.org.au to organise a different payment method.

Can you prepare an invoice for NDIS?

Yes – we are happy to assist with NDIS supported payments. Please contact sally@creativityaustralia.org.au so she can get all your details and prepare an invoice.