Creativity Australia Cranlana Autumn Soirée

Thursday 13th March, 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Cranlana, 62 Clendon Road, Toorak

This special evening will help raise much-needed funds to support and celebrate of 17 years of Creativity Australia and the transformational and life-changing With One Voice social inclusion programs.

For many years, our Patron Marigold Southey AC has generously hosted our events at Cranlana, the Myer Family home. As the family prepares to farewell this historic generational home, we are honoured to be invited to perform there once more. We hope you will join us to enjoy a magical evening in this magnificent space, one last time.

Our ambitious fundraising/philanthropy goal for 2025 is $350,000. All funds raised before, during and after this event will be generously matched by The Hunt Family Foundation. This will help cover the cost of subsidising membership for those who need it most, conductor training and volunteer support and much more. 

We look forward to your company for what will be a very special evening of joy, celebration and connection.

Together we can change the world, one voice at a time

With gratitude and song,

Marigold Southey AC, Tania de Jong AM, Peter Hunt AM and Enya Cai